December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#1: Planet X collides with our planet
of the biggest December 21, 2012 end of the world theories states that on that
fateful winter solstice our planet earth will collide with the mysterious and
fabled Planet X from the 1980s. Conspiracy theorists believe that world
governments have been hiding the existence of Planet X since they discovered it
was on a collision course with us many years ago.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#2: Shift in Earth's Magnetic Poles
people believe the December 21, 2012 end of the world theory that earth will be
devastated by a dramatic shift in the earth's magnetic poles. Scientists say
that this pole shift has happened with regularity throughout earth's history,
but that we are not due for another shift for some time. That does not keep
people from buying into the shifty possibilities of a 2012 end of the world.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#3: Sun Supernova
popular December 21, 2012 end of the world theory involves the death of our
sun. This theory says that our earth will be burned up when our sun goes
supernova right before Christmastime, 2012. This cataclysmic supernova would
consume our solar system and wipe our world out from the Milky Way galaxy.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#4: Disruption of Gravity by Planet X
Another of Planet X theories, this 2012 end of
the world theory says that Planet X will not collide with us, but rather it
will pass so closely to our earth that it will disrupt our gravity and cause
massive global disasters.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#5: Alignment With the Center of Our Galaxy
major source of December 21, 2012 end of the world theories is the fact that on
that date our earth and sun will align with the center of the Milky Way galaxy,
an event that only happens every 26,000 years. Some believe that this celestial
event will in some way rip our earth apart, leaving no life for the planet.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#6: Global Warming and Floods
the global warming scares of the past decade, one of the December 21, 2012 end
of the world theories involves the atmosphere of our earth degrading to the
point that global warming reaches new highs. The resulting temperature change
would cause a snowballing polar ice cap melt that would flood the oceans,
wiping out our land masses and killing marine life with a massive infusion of
fresh water into the oceans.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory #7:
Seismic Disturbance
earth-shattering 2012 end of the world theory says that our world will be torn
apart by an incredible seismic event. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will
shake the ground, level cities, and wipe out civilization as we know it.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#8: Shift in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity
far one of the most creative December 21, 2012 end of the world theories, this
theory claims that the human race has been on the verge of a shift in the
collective consciousness of humanity. What this means no one can say, but
followers of this theory believe that the end of the world will come with a
dramatic change in the way the human mind works and that they will bring about
the end of the world.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#9: World War 3 and Nuclear Holocaust
2012 end of the world theory involves nuclear holocaust and the beginning of
World War 3. Due to global nuclear capabilities, the nations of the world could
wipe each other off the face of the earth in a matter of hours.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#10: The European Atom Smasher
European Scientists are finalizing the
construction of the world’s largest particle
accelerator ever conceived. To describe it in simplified terms, it consists of
a 27 kilometers tunnel designed to smash atoms together in the anticipation of
finding out what makes the Universe tick.
With reason, this mega-project has already
caused serious concerns where several renowned scientists have expressed their
deep concerns about flipping the ON-switch. Amongst their predictions of all
kinds of lethal events, mini black holes are probable to be created. Chances
are that the first mega-experiment with this latest invention may turn the globe
into a matter no bigger than the size of a basketball.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#11: According to Religion
Several religions are giving us similar
indications and predictions based on, amongst others, interpretations of the
Bible, the I Ching (also known as the Chinese Book of Changes), as well as
various sections within the Hindu teachings. All of them indicate the 21st of
December 2012 as the end of the world. The Bible reveals this as the date of
the Armageddon or the final battle between good and evil as well as Judgment
It is expected that in the coming time as
we approach D-Day, that more religious figures will speak up and lift the
secrecy well kept by institutes such as the Vatican.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#12: Most Powerful Volcano on Earth
The largest volcano on earth is located
underneath the Yellowstone National Park in the United States which is famous
for its thermal springs and Old Faithful geyser. This fact has gotten
geological experts very nervous and the reason for sleepless nights ever since
it was linked to the upcoming events in 2012. The Yellowstone volcano has a
pattern of erupting approximately every 650,000. Currently we are many years
past the due date for a new major eruption, which in itself is rather bizarre
since the cyclic events of the planet are usually pretty accurate and thus
predictable. An new explosion will fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the
sun and plunging the Earth into a frozen winter that could last up to 15,000
years. Such a new Ice Age is due when looking at the usual cycles of Earth. And
what is most alarming is that the pressure under the Yellowstone is building
steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the big bang.
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#13: The Physicists
Physicists at Berkeley University in the
United States who use super computers to complete their highly complex formulas
and calculations have been crunching the numbers and they have concluded as well that the Earth is well overdue for a
major catastrophic event. Their calculations prove beyond any doubt that if and
when this catastrophe happens, it will impact every living being on Earth and
basically wipe away entire species as we know them today. What is really scary
about their calculations is the fact that they are pretty much convinced, with
a certainty of 99% that all of this will come down very soon and that the best
guess date is
December 21, 2012 end of the world theory
#14: Theorists Are Proven Wrong
theorist believes that the end of the world will come when all of the people
who have put their stock in calendars made 3000 years ago learn that they are
wrong. For many who have lived, eaten, slept, and breathed 2012, discovering
that the world did not end on December 21, 2012 will lead them to find that
their world is, in fact, over.
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