21 December 2012.. The much hyped date of the super
catastrophe that will cause the end to this world, according to the
calculations & predictions that were made by the Mayan Civilization
centuries ago. Moreover, the predictions of Nostradamus & some other
prominent ancient astrologers & foreseers are also in accordance with this
And, as closer the doomsday approaches, its curiosity &
fascinations are gearing up in leaps & boundsin the minds of the people throughout
the globe. In recent times, movies & T.V shows, newspaper articles, web
resources, mingled with peoples’ imagination, hypes & rumors has created a
situation of brouhaha at every nook n’ corner of the world.
This blog is an attempt to throw limelight into this mystery
starting from the very grass-root level with detailed explanations about the
origin & evolution of the earth & man-kind, development of different
civilizations across the world, the massive disasters that occurred over the
centuries, changing of poles of the earth, etc with the facts extracted from
different sources, debated & rationalized by scientific principles,
religious sentiment &scripts about the predictions that were made by the
astrologers throughout the living of man-kind.
Finally, it will be upto the readers to judge the truth
using their intellect that , “ Is 21-12-2012 really the end..? Or its ain’t..”
Have a pleasant reading.
Subinoy Debnath